One-of-a-kind Kimono Casuals for Your Unique Self in the World【Yuri Hosokoshiyama】


Yuri Hosokoshiyama

SAISEI is a Kimono Casual brand based in Sapporo, Hokkaido, with members who mainly handle clothing design.

The brand name “SAISEI” means to revive and renew things that have become obsolete in Japanese.

This article features Hosokoshiyama, who is active in the Kimono Casual brand “SAISEI”.

She aims to spread the concept of Kimono Casual wear and her desire is to instill a sense of pride in Japan and create expectations for young Japanese people.

In this interview, she talks about the origins of her Kimono Casual wear line, her brand’s philosophy, and her aspirations for what it can achieve.


The reason for starting “Kimono Casual”


——— Please tell us what made you interested in kimono.

Yuri Hosokoshiyama (hereafter referred to as Hosokoshiyama): My main profession is acupuncture, but through using nature and deepening my knowledge of it in my practice, I came to appreciate nature more deeply. In my pursuit of nature, I discovered kimono.

——— Why kimono?

Hosokoshiyama: Nowadays, there are a lot of chemical products that cause allergies, and when it comes to health, kimono made from natural materials have a lot of value. That’s why I think natural material Japanese kimonos are especially valuable.

——— Was there a specific reason why you decided to start remaking kimonos?

Hosokoshiyama: Actually, I wanted to wear kimono myself, but it’s quite complicated to wear kimono on my own. So, I thought that if I could design and remake it into Western-style clothes, I could wear it casually. That was the main reason that inspired me to start remaking kimonos.

Activities at SAISEI


——— At SAISEI, does Ms. Hosokoshiyama handle everything from design to remake?

Hosokoshiyama: For design, Ms. Hosokoshiyama is in charge, while for sewing the actual pieces, she outsources the work to housewives who find it difficult to work due to having young children, retirees who have no work, and others. Many people want to contribute to society and be active, so by assigning work to such people, she hopes to create more opportunities for women to thrive.

——— Regarding knowledge and skills related to fashion, such as designing, have you studied in the past?

Hosokoshiyama: Actually, I have never really studied anything. There are three members, including myself, so we discuss and work on the designs together.

The Commitment of SAISEI as a Brand

——— Do you have any particular obsession in designing clothes?

Hosokoshiyama: While clothes may follow trends, the fundamental desire is for people to wear them for as long as possible. Therefore, she aims to design items that can be combined in various ways and can be worn throughout all seasons.

——— While the online shop has many items for women, is it possible to create items for men as well?

Hosokoshiyama: Of course, it is. We are currently making a collarless jacket for men. It can be worn casually or with a dress shirt underneath for a formal look, making it easy to mix and match. There is also a jacket made from a material called Oshima Tsumugi, which is warm in winter and cool in spring and summer, making it possible to wear it all year round.

What I want to achieve while spreading Kimono Casual fashion?


——— Through the SAISEI brand, is there any influence you want to have on society?

Hosokoshiyama: In Japan today, I think the younger generation feels more negatively toward the country. However, when I think back to traditional Japanese culture, I believe that the kimono is an incredibly delicate item and a skill that only the Japanese can master. Therefore, I want to give young people, in particular, an opportunity to feel proud of Japan through traditional Japanese culture, such as the kimono. Also, as young people are likely to travel abroad more in the future, wearing remade clothes from kimonos when going out can create opportunities for communication with foreigners and deepen their understanding of traditional Japanese culture.

Future Goals


——— What are your plans or things you want to do from now on?

Hosokoshiyama: “By April, I want to upload a lot of products. Then, I want to increase the opportunities for people to see and touch the products by holding pop-ups in places like Sapporo and selling them there. Also, I feel that young people have a lot of power and will be the ones driving the future. So, I am thinking of having teenagers and people in their 20s wear our products and create various fashion styles unique to young people, and upload them on Instagram and other platforms.

——— Have you already decided on the schedule for the pop-up store?

Hosokoshiyama: We have decided to hold it in April, but we haven’t confirmed the exact date yet.

Also, we are considering holding pop-up stores not only in Sapporo, but also in various locations throughout the country.

At last


今回は着物リメイクブランド“SAISEI”のメンバーとして活動する細越山 友梨さんに着物カジュアルを始めたきっかけ着物カジュアルを広めることで実現したい世の中今後の目標といったお話しをうかがいました。







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Nice to meet you, We are Yamato.
In response to the recent decline of the Japanese economy/kimono industry,
It will be a new breakthrough with the cut of kimono remake.
We call the remake of kimono "Kimono Casual",
The goal is to spread it overseas.


