“Renew Kimono to Everyday Wear” 【Izumi OZAKI】




With a desire to introduce kimono culture to the younger generation and people overseas,
Izumi Ozaki launched the Kimono Casual brand “izhaori”, reusing old and recycled kimonos, transforming them into modern wear, and selling a wide range of items from HAORI to blousons, shirts, and more.

She launched the casual kimono brand “izhaori” from scratch.

She create one-of-a-kind items from kimonos that can be worn by many people, regardless of gender, because “I want people to express their individuality and make kimonos their everyday wear”.

In this article, she talks about the process of launching the brand, her thoughts on kimono casual and current Japanese fashion, and her goals for the future.


location: 1-2 Fukuchiinchō, Nara, 630-8381

Instagram: izhaori8635

web: https://izhaori.com


What prompted the launch of “izhaori”?

─── What made you decide to create Kimono Casual yourself?

Izumi Ozaki(hereinafter Ozaki): I saw my grandmother’s very nice patterned kimono and wanted to try it on, but her kimono was too small to wear, so I decided to modify it into something I could wear my everyday life.

─── Were there any others?

Ozaki: I also spent many years watching Hollywood actresses use colour and pattern to dress well.
In terms of colour and pattern, I thought that kimono patterns and colours are something very cool and unique to Japan.

But when I wear it as a kimono, it doesn’t fit the modern atmosphere. 
I often wear denim and I felt that if the denim and kimono patterns were combined, I could express the way that Hollywood actresses dress as well. That’s how I came up with the idea of using kimonos as everyday wear.

Commitment to Kimono Casual

─── What are some of your important points regarding kimono casual wear?

Ozaki: It is clothing that can be worn by both men and women. One of the reasons we chose Kimono Casual was because we wanted men to be able to enjoy the kimono as well.

─── What specific products can men also enjoy?

Ozaki: I think the number one item is the blouson. There are many brands that make aloha shirts from kimono, and I think they are one of the easiest clothes for men to wear.
However, I have not seen many brands that make that, so the blouson is the main selling point.

─── Does Ozaki also design the clothes?

Ozaki: I look at a kimono and think, “I can only think of this shape for this fabric”, and then I tell this idea to the craftsperson who makes it, and send her magazine photos or sample garments. For some garments, such as those with inconsistent patterns, I work with the her through trial and error on the placement and use of fabrics.

Future goals as “izhaori”

─── Do you have any future goals for “izhaori”?

Ozaki: The main goal is to open a shop at “White”, one of the fashion exhibitions of the Milan Collections.

I hope that this will be an opportunity to catch someone’s eye, create some work and spread the ‘iz’ brand around the world.

However, because it is a remake brand, there is a drawback that it is impossible for buyers to come and ask for a few pieces of clothing.
So there are issues such as how to take orders, but the fact that the items are one-of-a-kind, is also a strength, so there are many things I won’t know until I try it, but I want to give it a go anyway.

─── Are there any other problems or challenges in promoting kimono casual wear?

Ozaki: When it comes to selling abroad, shipping costs are a big problem. To be honest, I’m surprised at the shipping costs, which I think might be a bit unreasonable. So I am studying and looking for ways to send the products more cheaply.

To promote kimono casual wear in the future

─── What do you think about current Japanese fashion?

Ozaki: I think some people express themselves through the clothing they wear, but I feel that many people, especially young people, have an uncharacteristic style.

─── Do you want them to wear kimonos etc.?

Ozaki: I honestly hope that when you walk down the street, about 30% of the people are wearing a kimono patterned item or something with a kimono on it. It’s a traditional thing and it’s very nice, so I want people overseas to think it’s amazing and very Japanese in style.

─── I think there are people who don’t know how to wear it or who didn’t know about kimono remakes in the first place. Please let us know if there are any recommendations on how to combine with these items.

Ozaki: It goes well with common items like black trousers and a white shirt. We also hear opinions that styling oneself with kimono wear is a bit too hard, so we would like to send out information on how to wear it in a way that is really familiar to people. Of course, we are constantly offering suggestions on how to wear them and how to match them with everyday clothes to those who come to the shop.

At last

We spoke to Izumi Ozaki, manager of “izhaori”, to find out how the izhaori brand came into being, what they are committed to and what their goals are for the future.

It seems that in the future she will actively promote Japanese kimono casual wear and Japanese culture, not only in Japan but also abroad.
It would be great if Ozaki’s goal of opening shops at overseas fashion exhibitions is achieved, and if many people come to enjoy items made from remade kimonos as a means of expressing their individuality.

If you are interested in kimono casual wear or items remade from kimono, please visit “izhaori”.


location: 1-2 Fukuchiinchō, Nara, 630-8381

Instagram: izhaori8635

web: https://izhaori.com

Thank you for reading to the end.                            

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Nice to meet you, We are Yamato.
In response to the recent decline of the Japanese economy/kimono industry,
It will be a new breakthrough with the cut of kimono remake.
We call the remake of kimono "Kimono Casual",
The goal is to spread it overseas.


